The Splatoon 2 global testfire gave Nintendo Switch owners all over the world a chance to play around with the upcoming ink-shooting multiplayer game, and it seems like (almost) everyone is excited to get their hands on the full game.
Splatoon 2 testers took to Twitter to share some clips of their time in the testfire as well as some of their thoughts and impressions, which, for the most part, were positive.
Splatoon 2 Testfire has come to close. The game is as addicting as ever! Love the new Roller changes. Splashdown easily my fav new special~
— moetron | pKjd (@pKjd) March 26, 2017
Splatoon 2 Global Testfire
I played it and put some clips in a video~
It’s a lot of fun, I look forward to the full version!— あきつ@ASKT初コラボ「恋」 (@akitsucchi) March 25, 2017
Some Splatoon testers enjoyed some of the new features, including revamped weapons and how the game takes advantage of the Switch’s superior hardware.
#Splatoon2 #GloabalTestfire #NintendoSwitch impressions:
– Better Servers
– Smooth 60 fps
– Awesome Music
– Colorful like always…— ?Tilmen Mesut Kuçin (@TiLMEN) March 24, 2017
Some players tested the limits of the game’s online connection, finding that it barely uses any data and can be played just fine even with a limited wifi connection.
As an experiment, I played a few matches of the Splatoon 2 Global Testfire via wifi tethering to my phone and it worked beautifully. (1/2)
— Jose Otero (@jose_otero) March 26, 2017
Of course, some people experienced issues with errors and getting disconnected, but that can happen with betas.
Really loving Splatoon so far
— Mykal Williams (@mykalxwilliams) March 25, 2017
the authentic splatoon experience #Splatoon2 #NintendoSwitch
— ? (@_splashmob) March 25, 2017
Nintendo’s own senior product marketing manager Bill Trinen had a bit of difficulty connecting, but it did not appear to be Splatoon 2‘s fault.
— Bill Trinen (@trintran) March 25, 2017
One thing that gave Splatoon veterans a lot of trouble was the altered button layout. The old button for jump — X — was switched to B in Splatoon 2. Now X opens the map, which means people who were used to the old Splatoon controls fell down pits by accidentally opening the map instead of jumping like they meant to.
Alright Splatoon veterans, raise your hands if you kept pressing X to jump instead of B! #Splatoon2 #Testfire
— Steven (@Icn64) March 26, 2017
If I open that damn map one more time while I’m trying to jump… #Splatoon2
— Andre Segers (@AndreSegers) March 24, 2017
There were also a couple of bugs that people noticed while playing. Hopefully they’ll be fixed by the time the game comes out later this year.
Just playing the #Splatoon2 #Testfire when suddenly this happens:
— The Max. (@TM_Glitches) March 26, 2017
For the most part, though, people seemed to enjoy the new ink-blasting arena shooter, even if they got their asses hand to them.
I had fun in the Splatoon 2 Testfire, and by “had fun” I mean “was constantly terrorized by adorable tentacle children”
— Tristan Cooper (@TristanACooper) March 25, 2017
Bummed that the Splatoon 2 Test Fire is over, only got 2 sessions in, but I savored EVERY minute when I did. Hope they do more.
— Joseph Alminawi (@Swiftor) March 26, 2017
The testfire definitely made some people excited to play Splatoon on the Switch.
Splatoon on the switch.
— Pika (@Pika_3k) March 25, 2017
And for those who aren’t a huge fan of the game’s main competitive focus, you can practice your DJing skills in the game’s menu as Polygon pointed out over the weekend.
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