A new game mode called Dropshot is coming to Rocket League this month, and it’s completely changing up the most beautiful (car) game — car soccer.
Rocket League developer Psyonix released the above trailer to show off Dropshot and give the word a few days to wrap its collective head around it. In Dropshot, instead of scoring by putting the ball through your opponents’ goal, you score by putting it through their floor.
The game is played on the hexagon field, the floor is covered in hexagonal tiles and the field is split in two — one side for each team. If you hit the ball onto one of your opponents’ tiles, you activate it, and then another hit will break it to create a hole you can score through. On top of that, if the ball is hit by multiple cars before hitting the ground, it does damage to adjacent tiles.
Dropshot is coming to Rocket League March 22 along with new aesthetics for your cars, achievements and the end of competitive season 3.
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PC Fútbol 18: regresa la leyenda, y lo hace tanto en PC como en móviles
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