In the right light, Nintendo’s much-anticipated new Mario game Super Mario Odyssey is very disturbing.
In the freshly-revealed gameplay released at this week’s E3, fans finally got to see the mechanics and features of a game they had only seen bits and pieces of since it was announced last winter. And while it looks great and will surely sell through the roof when it releases Oct. 27, there’s something intrinsically weird about one of the game’s core mechanics.
You see, in this game, Mario has a new hat. The hat’s name is Cappy. Isn’t that cute?
Cappy has eyes. Which is a little weird.
Cappy also allows Mario the ability to inhabit many other objects, including the bodies of most other life forms.
Wait, what?
Yes, most of the semi-sentient, or at least conscious, beings in the world of Super Mario Odyssey can be taken over by the Italian plumber. He simply becomes that koopa troopa, or that bullet Bill, or that Tyrannosaurus Rex.
If you’re one for philosophical pondering, or if you’re stoned, this might seem pretty upsetting.
In one swift toss of a hat, these poor creatures immediately lose all control, all self automation, all free will. Mario is the co-opting, invasive force that removes the very basics of personal sovereignty from those he chooses. He’s like that spore that turns ants into zombies. He is the puppet master. He is the antithesis of instinct and choice. He destroys self preservation.
It’s quite the distressing realization that the one of, if not the most, recognizable video game hero has sunk to this level of sinister occupation, this possession.
I mean, this dinosaur was just sleeping peacefully, until some plumber wanted to take over its body.
you, an idiot: no one “wins” E3, we all lose due to the lack of original ideas
me, an intellectual: mario just possessed a fucking dinosaur— Luis Paez-Pumar (@lppny) June 13, 2017
The dread, the existential dread, that this arises has cast its shadow over Twitter as well, which has tried to deal with what this exactly means to consciousness, to ourselves. Many have been very creative with trying to wrestle with that very idea.
Can we talk about this whole Mario thing?
— TwintelleVEVO (@TerryMakesStuff) June 14, 2017
Loving the sequence where Mario’s magic hat causes him unfathomable mental trauma by forcing his consciousness into the body of a frog
— Ryan Broderick (@broderick) June 13, 2017
Mario odyssey: Mario puts his hat on a T-rex. Mario can no longer reach his hat. He will be bound to this form til death. He cries for help.
— F u 4k Minecraft cow (@BumbIeGum) June 14, 2017
When you see the hat approaching and you don’t know if you’re ready to be Mario
— Green Man Gaming (@GreenManGaming) June 15, 2017
Good thing Super Mario Odyssey is just a video game and no man can control people with his silly red hat oh god wait.
— OhNoSheTwitnt (@OhNoSheTwitnt) June 15, 2017
— Mister Hayden (@MrHaydenMyers) June 15, 2017
I hope Mario possesses a Simpsons character and visits Springfield in Super Mario Odyssey
— Shane (@FourScore64) June 14, 2017
if ?mario ?puts ?the ?hat ?on ?a ?pregnant ?woman ?does ?he ?control ?both ?bodies ?
— mario exorcist ? (@DrewFitz) June 14, 2017
Bowser slowly spirals into insanity as he suspects every living thing around him of being mario
— ⭐LOVERICE⭐ (@WarioWare3DS) June 14, 2017
Mario’s hat can take over enemies. I wonder if Nintendo has considered the dark implications of this… #NintendoE3
— Sam Prell (@SamPrell) June 13, 2017
Spoilers on ending to Super Mario Odyssey
— Ryan Langley (@Rlan2) June 14, 2017
I suppose the best thing to do is just not think about it. Let’s just all not think about it.
Wait, but you are playing Mario controlling other things. YOU are the real villain after all! But then, it’s the developers who MADE this game and so…
NO. Just don’t think about it. Just continue to believe in the existence of free will.
WATCH: Watch this orangutan play with a fidget spinner
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